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5 Best iPhone Apps for Fashion Designers

How long have i been planning to write this post? Like forever! I have to be very iPhonic in this post because i am an iOS chic and thats that. I have used i-gadgets for almost a year now and as a fashion accessory designer I would let you in on a secret if you are also in the fashion industry...iOS is just awesome for us creatives! It has the best apps for your fashion business. Ghana's fashion industry is growing everyday with some amazing designers out there. So to grow your startup you need to put your creations out on display. How will anyone know what you have created if its not in social mediadom? What are you using to manage your clients, your finances etc? Here are some great FREE apps you can download from the AppStore unto your iPhone to help you manage, display and draw traffic to  your Ghanaian fashion business, be it a startup or or an established one.

P.S: these are apps i use personally so don't think this hasn't been tried and tested. Shw3! - As a fashion designer, you need to be updated with the international world of fashion from Milan, New York, London etc. Style.Com offers you downloads for latest runway shows, displays trending fashion, watch video library runway clips and celebrity profiles. Expand your fashion horizon with this app.

Clear - This unique app helps you to sort out your To-Do list for your personal/business activities. This app has lasted on my iPhone longer than other To-Do/Task management apps because it works! Its so simple and effective. You can list client orders, shopping list for craft accessories or fabrics, things you need for a planned fashion event, meetings with clients, etc.

Instagram- Why instagram? The one app where you can share to the millions of instagrammers your handiwork. Get a good photographer to take pictures of your work and upload it. Once you upload, tag your work, add a link to your website/blog/Facebook page and watch your likes grow. Show the world the beauty of Ghanaian textiles and fashion. I use it to display my fabric accessories and trust me, i get likes.

FlipBoard - just as the name goes, its a flip-board showing your Facebook feeds, Twitter Timelines , Instagram photos, blog/web fashion articles, technology, sports, news, etc. There are varied fashion articles posted by Glamour Fashion, Fashion Gone Rogue, etc to showcase whats happening in the world of fashion. Use FlipBoard to get ideas on what your next creation could look like and see something you like, favorite it or tweet it.

Pinterest- Whats your interest? Its obvious you like fashion so why not pin up your fashion likes and also pin what you make. The cool thing about Pinterest is that, its millions of Pinteresters will also repine what you pin creating a breadcrumb trail back to you. Its a must-have app.

I know i said 5 Apps but can't always get what you want, right? So the final one is..

WordPress - Surely, you must be blogging by now? Blogging is not just writing you know. Wordpress app is a bloggers app built to enable you blog on the go. When you have created something unique, take photos and blog about it.

So there you have it. Awesome apps to help you share what you create to the world. Ghana has some beautiful fabrics, this is our time to showcase it to the international fashion industry. What apps are you using if you are a fashion designer?