Vote for Ganyobinaa's Blog (the one you are reading now)
I have always loved writing. Whether it was scribbling poems in my jotter during primary school days or writing short unpublished stories, I just love the freedom writing gives. A year and a half has gone by since I started blogging and it’s just been one of the best decisions I have ever made. My lifestyle blog has one vision in mind and that is to Motivate, Inspire and Educate the Ghanaian and the rest of the world who come across my practical and laid-back content. You cant read my blog and be the same some alphabets later. 53 blog posts 101 comments, 36,000+ views later and I am always extraordinarily humbled when friends and yet-to-meet readers send me mails/give me a call to praise my writing skills. Not only do I write well they say but they are inspired by many of the topics I write on. I am like so humbled right now.
It pleases me to let you know that my blog has been short-listed for the Ghana Blogging and Social Media Awards being organised by
Blogging Ghana as part of BlogCamp 2013. Hallelujah chorus. My blog has been nominated for four categories in the final nominations list , these are Best Blog, Best Original Content, Best Lifestyle Blog and Best Creative, Literary Short Stories, Poetry Blog (that’s one category by the way). \0/
Don’t worry its not just me in these categories, of course there is competition! There are other blogs apart from mine, which made the shortlist for these same categories. So now its time for the public to vote for who they think should win in the 13 listed categories. Check
here for all the categories.
As one of my cherished readers (that’s you) know that you and many other of my readers have 40% say in who gets to pick an award. Judges have 60%. I would be the happiest girl in the world if you would click
here to visit the Blogging & Social Media Awards site and start voting. I think you should check out my competition in the categories I have been nominated in and if you think my blog sucks then you can vote for someone else. But if you think Ganyobinaa’s blog has got more SWAG then please vote for me!
Chale! I ‘for make wild’ and prepare a victory speech just in case I win an award ooo! It will probably start out like, Ahem.. ‘ I just want to say thank you to all my blog haters…you encouraged me more than you know!’
* just kidding *
This wasn’t going to be a wordy post that’s what I told myself. So far so good. When I win an award, I will invite you to Ganyobinaa’s Blog Party 2013! Hehehee..
I end here with my campaign slogan….
‘Vote For Ganyobinaa For a Better Social Media Ghana!’
The link to vote again >>>>>
The link to vote again >>>>>