Ganyobinaa's Blog wins Best LifeStyle Blog (plus another one)
One word to describe how I felt last night on winning Best Lifestyle blog & Best (*reaches out for award to check the next one) Creative, Literary Short Stories, Poetry Blog awards at the Ghana Social Media Awards? Humbled. Too humbled.
I never dreamt my blog would win an award one day. The fact that my readers were being inspired and touched by my writing was rewarding enough. But here I was at the #BlogCamp13 sitting amongst many of Ghana’s best bloggers watching as many people were called up to collect their awards for their categories. I fidgeted within as I silently wondered when it would be the turn of Best LifeStyle Blog. It felt like forever. Finally Kajsa came up, my stomach instantly wrought into knots and then I heard the words, ….the winner is GanyobiNaa!’ I now know how it feels like to walk on a red carpet as hundreds of eyes turn to look at an award winner. I couldn’t believe I forgot my acceptance speech! A short thank you and all blushes I went to sit down. Congratulations all round!! The next category came up which was Best Creative, Literary Short Stories, Poetry Blog which I barely took notice of as I told my friend Nana Yaw that I was sure another blog would win that. I took my mind of and started going through my winnings.
‘Herh, you have been called, you have won!’
‘huh?’ I looked blankly at MacJordan who called from the opposite aisle.
The look on my face was beyond shock and surprise! Almost comical! Lol! I won again?!
I went up to receive this from KobinaGraham and all I could say was, ‘Totally surprised, guys! Thank you, thank you! I could swear I was blushing!!
Amazing evening to end the BlogCamp13!
So this is the real Acceptance Speech which run away from my thoughts last night:
"I would first want to thank God for the amazing gift of writing which I had thrown away many years ago and by grace has been restored back to me. Second goes to Blogging Ghana who by their awesome organisational skills made this event possible and the recognition. Thank you to all who voted for me and to every single reader in Ghana and abroad who has read and shared my posts in one way or the other. This award goes not only to me but to every single blogger who is using the power of writing to positively bring change our society. Thank you!"
So whats next for Ganyobinaa? Improved content, higher readership and the objective to do more than just writing! A final thank you to the sponsors of the event @tigoghana @usembassyghana and @GoogleGhana
A Nobel Peace Prize wouldn’t be bad at all! :) Dream big!
Thank you!