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Introducing the New Up & Coming Ghanaian Artiste- Delasi Nunana

Music. A rhythmical art which many use to express their inner feelings about love, society, the government or even an ex. Some have topped the US Billboard charts, gotten awards to recognize their accomplishments whilst some have enjoyed Single hits. Some have risen whilst some fell along the way and are no longer remembered  in the corridors of music fame. Every singer has his or her own style of expressing their emotions through their music and thats what makes them unique.

Delasi is Ghanaian R&B/Soul/Rapper who has great passion for his music and the messages which comes from his heart which are strung into beats. My interview about Delasi brings an introduction of who this 'soulgod and sharer of dreams' really is and what his music is all about.

Naa : So do you sing, rap or do a mixture of both

Delasi: I fuse both rapping and singing but through a good advice from a friend of mine to focus on my singing i have been leaning towards that area more.

Naa: What genre would you place your music

Delasi:   Well its mostly different genres mixed together, i dont like to describe my music by boxing it into a particular genre.

Naa: How did it all start?

Delasi: Wow. My first song was actually about fried fish and all of a sudden my classmates started singing it. So this was way back in primary/secondary school days. After awhile it developed into poetry and writing short stories etc. One day i was called to do a song with Reggie Rockstone and that inspired me to do more with my singing and i knew that i was going places. I am trying to come out all out with my album and currently have enough songs for two albums and do more features with other artistes.

Naa:  How challenging has it been to come out as an artiste?

Delasi: Its not been easy in terms of support from the Ghanaian music industry, its like an artiste only gets support once his music hits. But i get feedback from the few people around the world who encourage me and really are into what i produce.

Naa: In the face of these challenges, who inspires you?

Delasi: I want to be as relevant as Fela or Bob Marley, as funny as FoknBois and as lyrically in-depth as Talib Kweli and as mogul as Jay-Z. Its like i am also inspired by what goes around me, friendships, crooked politicians, art, etc.


Naa: Share your best & worst moments

Delasi: So many but a few ones have been meeting Paulina Oduro (highlife singer), opening for two highlife greats like Koo Nimo and George Darko to being seduced whilst being on stage by a girl in the! But the most inspirational moment was when some young boy sang one of my songs from start to finish during an event! Worst was when i lost my dad and i realised i would never see him again but he is still close to me in my heart.

Naa: Banku, Fufu or Omo Tuo

Delasi: Banku with some good ground pepper with some fried fish paa would do!

Naa: Chuck Norris or Bruce Willis?

Delasi: Bruce Willis is the best action hero, he is so tough and rugged.


Naa: Where can we get your music to buy?

Delasi: Its free on Hulkshare and on my Facebook page at DelasiGHMC. Soon its going to be on Spotify, Amazon and iTunes. You can follow me @Delasimusic

I watched one of his videos on YouTube and i liked the smooth flow of his rap of the song Where do We Go on the Thought Album. I liked the fact that this was a video which didnt have half-naked girls twisting their torsos over some yo-yo rapper. :) You should check it out. If you want more info about Delasi, Ghana's upcoming soulful singer and rapper you can contact him on +233-(0)246-206-157