Technology is a funny thing. I think we have a love-hate relationship. I love it and I hate it but i can't do without it. There i said it! Whew! Now that's off my chest, I can sit back and share with you some really cooler than cool apps (iPhone of course) which can help boost your work-life balance if you have the same relationship status I have with technology. It works for me so I really hope it does for you too. Sometimes, people find it difficult to balance their work and personal lives. Email beeps at 12midnight and omg, they wake up to read and reply; they can't have with real time face-to-face relationships because of deadlines, work overload and addiction to the internet; their finances are affected; poor health sets in (pot-belly No.1), etc. I am not mentioning names by the way.
Download these apps which are very effective in balancing your work-life, they work!
Pocket Expense
A free personal budgeting app on iPhone which helps to organise your personal finance budget needs is one app i found so useful that i didn't mind upgrading with the paid full version to enjoy more benefits. It was easy categorising my expenditures and incomes in simple layout and finance 'terms' and also gives detailed analysis of monthly and weekly cash flows.
Clear is my to-do list app where I am better able to organise activities in my life. Although it doesn't have reminders, the app gives you simple and clear (no pun intended) listing of what you plan to do in a day or a week. Editing your list is also very easy and you can also see how far you have gotten ahead on your list.
Tired of sitting for long periods at your desk? Need some exercise? Nike+ The only running app I have on my phone is such a life-saver when it comes to tracking my runs and it syncs with the music on the phone to keep me in the beat as well. I also try and beat my Facebook friends using the same app as it tells me the distance they have gone in a week. I love running!
Sometimes I get so busy in the office that I miss out on the going on's in the world. Thanks be to Flipboard and its user-friendly platform for sharing of news, articles, videos, etc I am on top of news globally on topics of my interest. Thats the cool thing about Flipboard; is its user-generated magazine which gives readers to create their own magazine. My magazine Fashionista has almost 28,000 readers which gives tips on fashion, global fashion trends, red-carpet fashion etc. Previously, I had to buy magazines like Vogue or Elle to catch up on the latest trends but thanks to Flipboard I find it much more cost effective and easier to be on top of trends. Remember I showed you
how to create your own Flipboard magazine
, right?
Planning a vacation is so much easier with this app. If you don't have this app yet please do so
. Whenever I want to book a hotel or eat at a new restaurant in a city I am visiting, I use the app to find out customer reviews about the place and i decide whether its a must or a must-not. Its been very very useful and the reviews aren't fabricated! Gone were the days when I would go to a place blindly and have a bad experience and lose out on my moneys worth. The app gives a list of low-high priced hotels so just in case you are travelling on a budget string, you would know exactly how to proceed. I also use the app to give my honest reviews about hotels I have stayed in and its always great to see that people always find my review useful or helpful.
There are loads of apps available on iTunes to help balance your work-life balance depending on your needs. There is much more your smartphone can do than Candy Crush and Angry Birds. Trust me. ;)
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