Camboo & Lorry Tire

Camboo & Lorry Tire

I went on a 3km run this morning after slacking for 2 weeks and gorging on bacon, cheese and all kinds of sausages insanely within that period. I am ashamed. But i have repented.

Keeping a healthy body and choosing a healthy lifestyle is a choice. One which many find difficult in making and rather choose to blame on lack of time.

Camboo & Lorry Tire

I run because I choose to let my body feel good.

I run because I cannot achieve my purpose if my body is sick.

I run because my job sometimes makes me sit for long periods.

I run to get a good rush and great feeling for the day.

I choose a healthy lifestyle because not all die be die

Loose or Lose??

Instant weight loss programs are a miracle for many who dont have time for diets and treadmills. However, having the discipline to maintain a healthy lifestyle is the best solution for many of us having sedentary jobs. Sedentary work increases our potential of diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure and some forms of cancer diseases.

On your mark, get set, Pi!!

Starting a walking or running regime isnt easy. But what in life is? One small step will definitely see you going a mile! Keep Calm and Run!

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