How To Use Pinterest's Guided Search To Literally Find Everything.

How To Use Pinterest's Guided Search To Literally Find Everything.

Pinterest has rolled out a fabulous product/feature which I believe will be a treat for Pinners and Ad companies everywhere; Guided Search. This is a simple but highly functional feature which gives high precision searches on anything on the app. A search for lets say food brings up tags such as Chinese, French, Easy, Dinner, etc and selecting any of these tags brings up other tags such as How To, DIY etc, 

I think this has really made searches so much easier and accurate instead of having to browse through hundreds of photos on Chinese Food or African Braidstyles on the app. Reminds me of how I would have to type in the search field for ‘Best Box Braids Hairstyles’ and then having to scroll through often photos of long and medium-length box braids in buns, wrapped and in different colours. Those days are over. 

Pinners should take advantage of this new feature which has aggregated tags on its 30billion photos  and create the right description of their pins with these tags in mind. That is if you are interested in having your pins, repinned or liked. 

Ad companies promoting brands on Pinterest will have a field day with this high precision search feature as they can target their market by adopting the right tags. 

Here is a visual on how the Guided Search works on Pinterest. 

Tap on the search button, and type in the search field whatever your current interest is. I went for scarves and Ghanaian food. 

I typed scarves, got Tying, DIY, Crocheted, How to Wear, How to Make. the list went on. I chose How to Wear then I got Infinity which was...interesting. Does that mean there are more searches on how to wear Infinity scarves?

How to wear Infinity scarf pins came up pretty easily and quick. 

I then conducted another search on how many Ghanaian recipe pins there were on Pinterest. I searched with Food first although I could have gone straight ahead and typed Ghanian food recipes. 

An interesting display of our food recipes came up. 

Now looking for hair pins on Pinterest is so much more guided and accurate. You can choose Cuts, Shorts, Long or Medium-length etc.

Your previous searches are stored in the Search history to still give you the precise pins instead of trying to remember which pin you landed on previously. Fab!

If you are looking for how to prepare Jollof or Red Red, use Guided Search to make it so much simpler for you on Pinterest.  

This new feature is now available on iOS and Andoid. 

Have you tried Guided search? What do you think of it?

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