5 Flawless Tips To Protect Your NaturalHair During The Harmattan Season. #MyKpenkpeshie
What are you doing to protect your natural hair during the Harmattan which is at our doorstep? The unforgiving dryness of the weather should by now prompt you to take drastic measures to protect your coils before they break like everything else does during this season.
Follow these tips if you just did the BIG CHOP and aren’t sure how to protect your natural hair during Ghana’s ‘winter season’.
Moisturise. Moisturise. Moisturise.
The dry winds & air won’t play nice with your natural hair. If you spend a lot of time outside in the open then add extra moisture to prevent your hair from drying out easily. Shea-butter which is the commonest and cheapest natural moisturiser is your go-to. A combination of this with coconut oil is an extra-boost. Whip the two of these organic ingredients together and be generous with it’s application. Apply it on your scalp and root ends. Even if you have braids on, keep the moisturising levels up! Don’t forget your spray bottle either. Maybe its time you carried it around? Avoid get a drought natural hair look this Harmattan.
2. Definitely Get A Protective Braid Style On
The best protective braid style is the kinky braid style. This is because kinky braids aren’t too tight like traditional twist or tri-braid styles. This makes your hair less tensed up. Get a protective braid style during this season until its safe to let your hair get some air (clean air!). Or you can still braid using your own natural hair into bantu knots, or two-strand twists. Don’t forget to still moisturize these as well on a daily basis. Or go traditional with the threaded look this season!
Sourced from Pinterest
READ MORE : 4 Tips On Taking Care of Your NaturalHair Whilst In Braids
3. Wear Head-Scarfs or Wraps
Find a beautiful African print headscarf and get creative with how you wrap it. This protects your hair when out shopping or on the go and definitely gives you that street-style glam! In case you missed my tutorial on how to wrap a headscarf here it is again.
4. Increase Your Intake of Water
Forget drinking six glasses of water a day. Double it if you can. The dryness of the weather will make you dehydrate twice as usual. Its no wonder many people are having coughs or losing their voices of late. Always carry a bottle of water, which you can use to top up on the go. Your hair will definitely get that moisturizing boost from that entire water intake. Add a bit of sobolo ‘Roselle Tea’ to flavor up the water and maybe some spoons of honey stirred in. Coconut water should also be your best friend as well.
5. Workout indoors
Are you an outdoor runner? Maybe this season, take it indoors for awhile. The dusty fog can gather into your strands and follicles during your morning run. You can still get a good workout indoors by changing your workout routine, skipping is a great way to get that cardio-workout you love. Jogging on the spot is also another alternative.
The season will soon be over but you have to work extra hard at this time to protect your beautiful hard-earned coils.
What are you doing to protect your natural hair during the Harmattan? Do share your tips below and lets get sharing! Happy Coiling!