8 Obvious Signs He's Only Interested In Sex
Are you in a relationship and cant figure out whether he's serious about you or just sleeping with you? These are the signs he could be displaying if he's just in for the 'booty'!
He avoids your family like a plague
Have you noticed how he expertly avoids coming to visit you when your parents are home? Or how when he sees your Mom in the living room and avoids lingering around her, insisting that you guys hang out in your room? These are signs that he doesn’t intend to make any serious commitment in the relationship. After six months of being with him, any invitation to any family type of event is met with ‘excuses’ such as ‘I have a meeting at that time’. If he’s just looking to sleep with you, trust that meeting your family isnt on his schedule.
2. He isnt interested in your job or interests.
When he is just looking to have a good time with you or just sleep with you, your interests are the last thing he’s concerned with. He doesn’t ask you what your interests are or what hobbies occupy your time after working hours. He doesn’t also share his when you ask him or possibly just mumbles something about ‘Reading’ . And your job? He doesn't ask how your last promotion interview went or give you any tips on how to build your career.
3. He doesn’t call you unless it’s a booty call
Have you noticed how he doesn’t call you to even check up on you? But the only time he does is when it’s a booty call. When your phone rings and you pick up expectantly he says, ‘Hey, I miss you. Do you want to come over?’ Not even, ‘ how was your day?’ or ‘how you are doing?’. His missing you basically means… Let’s Get It On!! He misses your body which you have already given to him for free not your mind, your laughter or your intellect. He doesn’t send text messages to say hi or check on you but when he does it’s , ‘What are you wearing?’ Shine your eye!
4. He isnt interested in your friends or who you hangout with
You have been dating this man for almost six months now. He isnt even interested in who your friends are or who you hang out with.
5. He doesn’t introduce you to his friends
If he is serious about you he would include you into his social life. But is he doing that? Or does he come by your end after hanging out with his friends?
6. And when he does, he introduces you as his friend.
A serious guy is very territorial where his woman is concerned. But when he’s just in for the ‘free chop’ he introduces you as his ‘friend’ to his best friend or buddies during a hangout. You feel hurt when he does that as all along you think that your ‘relationship’ is more than just friends. His friends also see you to be one of his friends he’s just hitting on. Don’t be surprised when they also start hitting on what hasn’t been territorialised.
7. He avoids the ‘What are we’ question
Three months on and there’s no definition of what you have with your new beau. You have tried asking him to define the thing going on and he disappears for weeks on end. Only to come back when he thinks the coast is clear.
8. Is he too busy to make plans?
When you ask him out to go see a movie, what excuses does he come up with? He will probably say he doesn’t do movies. What about grabbing pizza tomorrow night? Busy. A play? Got a meeting. It goes on and on! Will you like to come over? Ka-ching!
Noticed these signs as yet? Can you make a decision to get out if you can, especially if you know your plans don't include a non-committal guy?