20 Positive affirmations to speak over yourself after a heartbreak.
Heartbreaks. We have all experienced it at one point in our youthful days and perhaps even more as adults. However the heartbreak happened, it’s a season of hurt, loss and unbelievable pain within oneself. After a heartbreak, it’s easy to feel unloved, unworthy, shamed, guilty and insecure because you’ve been left by the one you thought you’d live life with. So how do you get through a heartbreak? Some friends and family will suggest therapy and others will ask you to pray about it, whilst others simply ask you to get over it. But supposing you can’t afford a therapist, where or who do you turn to? And supposing you have prayed about it (highly recommend this) what else can you do? Speaking positively to yourself on a daily basis is one way to rebuild and revive yourself mentally and emotionally into a beautiful place of healing.
Words are indeed powerful. They hold such a strong grip over our lives and failure to recognize their impact in our lives will lead to serious consequences. James 3:6 corroborates this perfectly : The tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body. It corrupts the whole body, sets the whole course of one's life on fire, and is itself set on fire by hell.
Also this quote speaks volumes about choosing positive affirmations over anything else..
Positive Affirmations
Personally, having gone through a painful heartbreak several times actually , I have discovered that the power of positive affirmations really helped me heal on a daily basis. Whether they were little notes stuck in my journal or on the mirror, I kept these reminders around me. I meditated on these words when working out or going for my usual walk after work. So I am sharing this list of affirmations for you to help you through your healing journey. We will be fine 🫶🏽
20 Positive Affirmations To Speak Over Yourself After a Heartbreak.
I am loved by God
I am of a royal priesthood.
I am anointed and highly favored.
I am special to God.
I stand firm and still.
My life is a blessing.
Others are blessed because of me.
I am lovable.
I am kind and generous.
I deserve good things.
I am blessed in my home and workplace.
My home is filled with love and joy unspeakable.
I enjoy God’s blessings everyday.
God’s Flavour is my ointment from my head to my toes.
God knows my name.
My mind is positive, healthy and strong.
My mind is filled with power, my heart is full of love and the peace of Christ guards my mind.
I will not worry about my future. I live and enjoy the present because it’s a gift.
I look beautiful / handsome.
I am not a mistake.
You can add more to this as long as it’s positively affirming and also aligns with what God says as well as your counselor / therapist . I recently realized that people can always advice you on what to do regarding your situation but taking those positive healing actions ultimately lies on you. Will you choose negativity or positivity? Choose life.