Naa Oyoo Quartey

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Bullet Ruff N Smooth Responds To The Appalling Reactions of Ghanaians After Ebony's Passing

Ebony's tragic death this Thursday 8th February, 2018 has ripped many hearts apart. Mine not excluded. I wasn't a fan but I admired her tenacity and boldness to create her own magic in the Ghanaian music space. That space is not for the timid and she made huge colossal strides in such a short time. 

Source: Urban Islandz

It was the first thing I saw Friday morning whilst scrolling through my Twitter timeline. I wasn't even sure if it was the same person as I didnt know Reigns was part of her stage name. So i double-checked on CitiFm's account to see the verified confirmation. Utterly shell-shocked! Like how? But there it was, a horrid car accident killing three people instantly and how the driver escaped unhurt is totally beyond me. 

But as the morning wore on, it was even more grievous, shocking and appalling to see Ghanaians sharing photos of the dead musician, her friend and another man. How debased and how low have we stooped in our search for information? Have we no regard for empathy and compassion for the family and friends of the departed? 

Then my husband sends me a tweet of a prophet who prophesied of her impending death this year. My mind was in a confused whirl of emotions. Did the prophet warn Ebony of his revelation? I had no information on that. But as the day waned on many Ghanaians on Twitter and Facebook started speculating, accusing, condemning and offering  philosophical advice regarding the death of Ebony. 

Finally, this morning the manager of Ebony released this statement on his Facebook page putting to rest or rather shutting the mouths of konkonsa people questioning her salvation status. His post; screen grabs of their Ebony Management Whatsapp Group and actions they were taking regarding the prophecy of her death. 

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So not only were her management team aware of the prophecies but they had taken some actions to prevent it from happening. A photo of Dr. Lawerence Tetteh & Ebony followed by a tweet by JoyFm shows that she had consulted him, was it on the prophecy, possibly. 

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Yes prophecies can be declared and it can be reversed, go check with King Hezekiah who received a prophecy of his impending death when he got ill. Did he not prayer and got a guaranteed 15 years life extension? So why didn't it work in this case? Are you God? Who are you to question what is permitted? 

The venom, criticisms being posted online by people is simple sign of immaturity and lack of thought to honor those who are bereaved. Pulse Ghana posting a video of her mourning Mom was another such example. We seem to take cruel joy at sharing photos of mangled bodies involved in either car accidents, murder at the hands of armed robbers, atrocities committed wives, husbands etc. What wickedness has penetrated the hearts of Ghanaians in this age of social media? 

Bloggers who rush to get photos of the dead to post on 'blog's' just to get traffic are one of the categories of people I don't get. Are you even a blogger? Do you understand who a blogger is? Or you are in it just to make money because you can't seem to find or are too lazy to discover your real talent? Tasteless articles and click-bait headlines with no quality content. 

Why have we sunk so low? Even Christians who should be more focused on their salvation are rather judging a departed soul. Are you guys okay? Instead of focusing on discovering our purpose we are hell-bent on being judges hitting our gavels declaring judgement on how others live their lives. 

Ebony was obviously a bold woman who lived her life with lots of laughter.

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She might have had her weakness like you and I but she was living her dream. Are you living yours whilst you still have life? Think Hard! 

Rest Strong Ebony!.