How To: 3 Ways To Wear A HeadScarf.

How To: 3 Ways To Wear A HeadScarf.

One of the reasons I believe some women don't let their braids last (taking it out after two-three weeks is, boredom. They get bored and tired of having a braids bun all the time so the interest is lost soon. 

But wait a minute! Hollop, Hollop! With a simple scarf did you know you could literally change your look whilst in braids? Like you didn't already know! Whether it's African Print or any other fabric, a head scarf will save you from a bad hair day and any other day when your braids or hair just refuses to listen to you. 

Well I made this video for my fans who requested I do a video version of a photo headscarf tying tutorial I made and shared. And i know it will definitely help you if you have been looking for a really cool way to tie your headscarf. Go on and take a look!

How was it? Love it? Tried it? Tweet at me with a selfie of you in your headscarf! 


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