Ghanaian Beauty Brand   Evita Joseph Holds An Influencer Preview Of New Product, Expert Brow Liner.

Ghanaian Beauty Brand Evita Joseph Holds An Influencer Preview Of New Product, Expert Brow Liner.

Very few beauty brands in Ghana have taken to creating their own line of beauty products like Evita Joseph Asare has. Actually, I can't recollect any 🤔 but I do stand to be corrected 😘. 

Evita Joseph is a growing Ghanaian owned beauty brand in which I have invested money to get the best of makeup for my personal use. And on Saturday, I attended the Influencer Preview of their latest beauty product on the market; Expert Brow Liner. I almost felt out of place in a sea of professional MUA's who were flawless in the best of their makeup artistry. Makeup so flawless that no touchup is needed for Photoshop processing. 

As a busy woman, I hardly ever find time to sit for long periods to do a complete makeup touchup on my face but when I do, I always choose what's quality, quick to apply and easy to use. That's why I was really excited when I tried the Expert Brow Liner from EJ. The Brow liner gives extreme definition to eyebrows for professional makeup artists and the everyday woman. 

Evita Joseph Asare, the CEO of Evita Joseph gave a short presentation on the journey of her brand and products released so far on the Ghanaian and Nigerian market. I was actually caught off-guard when she invited me to share my opinion of the brow liner which I was honest about with regards to its ease of use, non-creamy texture and a natural final brow look. 


evita joseph

Present at the event were the finest of Ghana's makeup artists like Annette Akye and Lamisi. 


Evita Joseph worked very closely with Annette to ensure the Expert Brow Liner was the perfect product for the African market. 

It was quite a brief event yet straight to the point. Here are some more photos from the event. 

evita joseph

Lamisi, Annette and Friend. 


* PS- I am in there somewhere. Got to get my photo from Evita's photographer 😫😫

You can follow Evita Joseph on Instagram  and her online store here

Evita Joseph Asare, takes her influencers seriously and she's one of the few Ghanaian brands using social media and her influencers to grow her market size. Congratulations Evita! You Rock!

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