How To Make Your Own Furniture Polish Using Coconut Oil.
‘Tis the season of high temperatures, dryness strong humidity and dusty winds. This also means extra-cleaning of furniture in your home as the Northern winds blows fine dust into your home or office settling on every available surface 😩. Dusting wood furniture around this time of year can be the most daunting thing ever because you can dust in the morning and by brunch it’s as though you did nothing, right? Especially if you are using a dry duster or cloth. Save time and money cleaning this dry harmattan season by making this very simple but super effective coconut oil furniture polish which I first tested and after a week and half can testify of it’s 100% effectiveness!
How to make your own furniture polish using coconut oil
You can totally get a store-sold wood furniture polish ( which by the way is highly toxic) but making your own is a much safer option which gives amazing results as well!
The ingredients for making the furniture polish are easily available and cost you much less than a store-bought one.
I have several wood furniture in my home and over time, unstoppable scratches and liquid stains have marred the beauty of the wood and the dust is also not helping. This diy coconut furniture wood polish seriously has made a major impression on me. I used a spray bottle to dispense the polish onto the wood surface. This was before using the polish:
A raw photo with no editing done.
After polishing. No editing.
Amazing isn’t it? And the fragrance is just perfect. Mild and not overly strong.
For spraying the polish, you can get a spray bottle for GHC5 in shops selling hair & beauty products . I added a few drops of lavender essential oil which you can also find in natural beauty shops like All Pure Nature at the Marina Mall.
Here’s how to make yours to get your lovely wood shining and looking as good as new.
Materials Needed:
Spray Bottle
Micro-fiber cloth
Knife to cut lemon
Natural Ingredients
1 tbsp fresh lemon juice
1 cup of virgin coconut oil
1/4 cup white vinegar
10 drops of Lavender essential oil
Combine all the natural ingredients into a spray bottle. Shake the bottle to combine well.
Ensure the surface is free from dirt and other clutter.
Turn the nozzle of the spray bottle to spray in a full cone and not a flat stream. A flat stream emits a linear pointed spray instead of a fuller finer stream. The full cone will widely distribute the polish.
Using the micro-fibre cloth wipe the surface in a circular motion until the entire surface is well polished.
Allow to dry for 5 minutes and do a final wipe down with a dry micro-fibre cloth.
Store the polish with your other cleaning products safely and away from children.
After using this polish, you are sure to never buy a store-bought wood polish again. The oil mixed with lemon juice and the lavender oil gives the wood a super all-natural shine booster and definitely smells way better than the average polish on supermarket shelves.
Give it a try and share your experience with me on Instagram . Have you also used coconut oil in polishing wood surfaces? How did you find it? How else do you use coconut oil in your home? Do share in the comments below.