It’s Worth Saving Despite Any Challenges You May Face.
I have come to the end of my savings challenge in the Barclays Savings Campaign and I must say it’s been an insightful, self-assessing and positively-worthy experience.
I am still saving everyday and things are looking positive as we save towards our vacation time. I believe by the end of this month, there will be enough saving to use in our vacation especially in buying the plane tickets.
The things I have benefitted most from this campaign was being able to identify my vices and tracking and eventually cutting back on their expenditure. Use the Barclays Savings Calculator to find out how much these vices could save you in the long run.
I used to go to the movies every other Friday but I cut that back by streaming at home.
Eating out has also been reduced to once a month and cooking at home has benefitted us more nutritionally.
I have also been more efficient at tracking my expenses using both digital and analog tools. Though not an easy task its never the less crucial. No pain no gain is my motto now.
I have realized how seeing interest accrue on my savings account serves as a motivator to realize how important this saving goal is. Interest earned is a life goal gained. It’s been great having you on this journey with me.
What are you saving for? A car? A new phone or perhaps the new Macbook Pro? Do share your comments below.
This article is the final in a series of sponsored posts for the BARCLAYS SAVINGS CHALLENGE. I hope the challenge has been as interesting and impactful for you as it has been for me. You can follow the discussion on Twitter and Facebook and share your own experience by using the hashtag #AFRICASAVES. Visit the Barclays page for useful savings calculators and information on their savings accounts.