Naa Oyoo Quartey

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Kale Is A Nutrient-Dense Superfood & Here's Where To Find Them In Accra.

I remember the first time I found Kale on a shelf in one of these organic shops. I almost spun around in glee. This was about two years ago when kale had become the vitamin-iron-rich green had become a global trend and food bloggers were experimenting and developing new recipes for it.

I have always loved greens from as far back as I can remember even though there are some which I have tried for the first time and grimaced *looking at you Brussel sprouts*. Stews and soups with greens , give me that everyday and I will be a happy soul. I made this Kale & Egg Muffins for breakfast and I know you will love the recipe. Kale can be made into a salad with your favourite vegetables, you can sauté it , make Kale chips or blend it into a smoothie. It’s super versatile.

If you have made a firm decision to eat more greens this year then you would be happy to know where to get Kale to add to your shopping list. When buying Kale look out for leaves that are dark and crisp and when ready to cook or eat it, remove the leaves from the tough stalks, just like you would for Nkontomire.

  1. Max Mart

The supermarket chain stocks Kale on it’s organic section shelf along with spinach and other fresh herbs. These are locally grown Kale with flatter leaves and longer stems. It often costs between GHC8-GHC12 depending on the quantity in the bundle.

2. SowGreen Organic Farms

The organic farm usually sets up Dubois Center on Saturdays and if you aren’t early the best of the greens will run out before 12pm. I recently bought Borkorborkor from them to make a beautiful and nutrient-dense sauce of Agushie. Their Kale is fresh and is slightly below the Max Mart price. They have delivery services available on Wednesday’s and Saturdays.

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3. Farmer’s Market

I found Kale recently at Farmer’s Market and it was texturous, more dense with curlier leaves than the others I was used to buying. Their vegetables are both locally sourced and imported from countries like Kenya. Farmer’s Market has more premium prices for most of their vegetables in comparison to other veggie vendors.

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These are my favourite places to buy good quality Kale in the city but I would love to know where you also source for yours. Do share in the comments below.