Now You Can Pay For All Your Packages by MultiChoice Ghana Using TigoCash.
MultiChoice Ghana Limited has partnered with Tigo Ghana to provide consumers and businesses with a real-time electronic payment channel. This recent partnership adds to the many payment options being offered by the No1. entertainment satellite company. Most banks in Ghana have already partnered with MultiChoice for payment convenience for their customers.
The partnership between the two organizations provides a mobile payment facility for customers to pay for all the packages offered by MultiChoice Ghana. Self-service real-time payment options will be available for subscribers through the Tigo Cash Wallet, a secure mobile banking and payment mobile application designed for convenience and security. No more queuing at a banking hall to pay your DSTV bills.
Tigo Cash Wallet is a secure and confidential account created on the SIM card upon registration, to safely store cash for all your transactions. Currently, Tigo Cash can be used to purchase airtime for both Tigo and other networks, and pay for goods and services such as Hello Food.
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