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Pope Francis Just Got On Instagram With 285K Followers Already! (Dont Hate)

 The Catholic Church which as been depicted in many movies and books as a  religious organisation with many secrets (dark or whichever colour) to hide just opened one of its doors to the social media world. The door leads into the Instagram account for Pope Francis @franciscus ! Imagine that! It must have taken a lot of deliberations and discussions for this to actually happen.

The world of social now gets a glimpse into the 'world' of the revered Pope and his activities. The already verified account has already raked in 285K  followers as at the writing of this post with one photo posted. How's that for influence pardner? 

Instagram co-founder and CEO Kevin Systrom popped by to congratulate His Holiness. The perks of creating great addictive apps eh! Major!

His first photo is already at 45K likes with a simple but effective post asking followers to 'Pray for him' in 9 different languages.

Will the Pope overtake Lady Gaga, Kim Kardashian or perhaps Instagram ?  How many followers can you predict for His Holiness's following ?