Ghanaian Moms share how Men can be supportive New Dads.
Becoming a Dad for the first time is such a major event for you as it involves figuring out how to balance work, home and the arrival of your little one. It can be overwhelming scary and exciting at the same time. As a new Dad you have to be involved throughout the pregnancy journey and not just when baby arrives. You have to be involved in bonding activities, diaper changes, feeding times and be more supportive at home and in your partner's life. All this whilst balancing work activities. Crazy right? Most men will say they don't know what to do when baby arrives. Some say they are afraid of how baby is so delicate that they'd rather wait for baby to be older before being there.
Tomorrow Is Father's Day so I decided ask a select group of Moms (with newborns, toddlers, adolescents) on how men can be more supportive as a new Dads.
“ New dads shouldn’t wait to be told what to do. They should strive to observe what the mom does as a daily routine and try to do same :)” - Jessica
“New dads should learn how to manage their feelings (including sexual). The babies are not competing with them for their wives' attention. In due time, things will begin to normalize again.” - Yasme
“Offer to hold baby for a few minutes to give mummy enough time to grab a meal, or shower and take a stretch. If you are not sure what to do , ask “what can I help you with, or how can I help?” If you have older kids, take them off mummy's hands to give mummy a little more time to focus on baby .” - Esther
“ New dads should learn at every stage of pregnancy including the 4th trimester. A mama’s hormones surge during pregnancy and continue to do so afterwards so her emotions may be extreme, but they are valid and she needs support from her partner to know everything is okay.” Valerie
As a new Dad you may be feeling left out of the bonding experience that's going on between mommy and baby.
“New dads should prioritise bonding with baby by including one on one time in baby’s daily routine, connecting through touch and feeding baby.” - Princess
You can offer to burp baby after breastfeeding time is over. This helps Mama to stretch out after an hour of shark teeth on her nips. Or offer a pillow for her back. Another bonding time is to place baby on your chest during playtime, that's a powerful touch experience.
“ Dads should help with night feeding so mamas can get a bit of sleep”. -Harriet
“ New dads should prepare for fatherhood the same way mums do. Read articles,ask OG dads etc. When the baby comes, they should dive in head first as if they too are a parent because...they are.” Nana Adwoa
The best support you can give as a new Dad is being present. A baby grows so fast! Like weeds! It's easy to miss out on not just milestones but also on bonding moments which are critical for your child's social, emotional and mental development. Ask how you can help Mommy. Go the extra mile with household chores which she previously handled, she has another human (your child) she's feeding from her body so you really can't expect her to pound Fufu the next day after baby arrives. 😒 Gone are the days when newborn care was seen by everyone as a woman's sole responsibility.
It's however encouraging seeing more millennial men becoming more involved. It can only get better.
Share in the comments section how you think men can be more supportive as new Dads.
Happy Father's Day tomorrow to all Dads out there!