A New Family Addition & Other Exciting News!
Photo by LensstoryGh
That heading kinda explains my absence here doesn't it? 🙈😅 Boy have I missed writing😭 but the break was essential for me and baby. I even took a Facebook break and didn't miss it that much😁.
Its a girl by the way🤱🏾👶🏽 and we are both going through the whole nine yards of night feeding, diaper changes, guesswork at translating baby cries, freaking out at the weird breathing noises, bathing and sleeping routines. We are officially level 100 students in this school of early parenting😅. So much to learn and unlearn and trust me it can be overwhelming. But in this current state of sleep deprivation, milk stains and spit 🤣 I am humbled to have been chosen by God to be a steward and Mom of this new bundle of joy. She's simply precious and we are over the moon at how perfect she is.
I lost my first pregnancy through a miscarriage about two years ago at about six weeks in and starting again wasn't an easy step to take. We took that step all the time trusting God through and through. During my pregnancy journey it hit me how very little our mothers’ share with us what to expect during this phase of our lives, same also for marriage. No-one tells you about the late night feeding and become a zombie for some months. We get all the unnecessary pressure to get married and have kids but little is shared with us what to expect, how to overcome the surefire challenges and what support is available. That’s why I decided to journal my pregnancy journey to share with you before I suffer pregnancy amnesia which is very real by the way. I believe that by sharing my journey, I will be making a positive impact in someone’s life somewhere.
I have already started sharing my journey on my Instagram curated under the hashtag #MyBumpieDiary , follow the conversation and your own pregnancy story for new moms, soon-to-be-moms and even for expectant dads.
There’s so much to learn and unlearn about pregnancy and these tips will be on the new page titled ‘ Pregnancy & Early Parenthood’ . Get to discover authentic baby shops to shop from, easy-to-get ingredients for cooking up healthy meal ideas for a healthy pregnancy, product reviews and so much more
Babycentre app. Photo by @LensstoryGh
I was unable to publish new posts because of the carpal tunnel which affected my right hand during my pregnancy and is yet to completely heal ( in a few weeks says my doctor). Fluid build up in the hands and feet is one of the pregnancy symptom in the third trimester, strangely I didn’t get swollen feet until after delivery. It’s such a bummer I tell you. I couldn’t even cook during my third trimester, holding a knife was simply tortuous 😩. My fingers are all tingly, crampy and my wrist feels like I have torn a nerve.
But the break from social media and my blog gave me some sane time away from much of the negativity on Facebook. You should try it some time, you will be amazed at how peaceful and calm your online days will be.
Join me and share your own pregnancy journey and tips we can all learn from in the upcoming posts. This will be really exciting!