All tagged Telegram

Messaging Apps Are Going Crazy With Stickers! Here Are The Best & Not-So-Great.

Did you ever exchange stickers in school? Just so you could stick them at the back of the jotter and feel like the coolest kid on the block? Well I did but like everyone else I grew out of them for like forever until about a year ago, thanks to Viber! So whats up (no pun intended) with all the instant messaging apps going gaga over stickers? Emoji-drained? Or feeding of lazy typists hunger for quick messages. After going through my iphone IM apps here are four of them with either the best or ‘stickiest’ stickers. 


During my 3-day #internetdetox  last weekend, my friend Kofi, decided to tempt me with the latest #socialapps and one which i grudgingly found interesting was Telegram , according to my tempter friend, it was just like Whatsapp but faster and more secure. I kindly reminded him of my objective for the weekend. After I had rejuvenated and shed off some data calories, i downloaded the app and tried it out. My verdict? Fabulous. Fast. Secure. Freaktastic. Simple. Different. Let me show you how the app works and i bet you that after by the end of this post, you will be a converter like me.