All tagged Traditions in Ghana
Growing up in a Ga home taught me some valuable cooking lessons: how to pound fufu on my own, how to use an iron cauldron to prepare banku, how to prepare all the various kinds of Ghanaian soups, how to create balls of Kenkey and make Fisherman’s soup. Most of these dishes were prepared using traditional methods and utensils over hot coals which gave each dish a unique taste which no other cooking method can compete against.
There was a time when certain English names for girls were very popular in Ghana. Some of these names were so unique that some people made unforgettable or often regrettable songs out of them based on their pronunciation or their shortened version. The popularity of these names often led to one classroom to have 3 Christina's or 4 Joana's. Imagine the confusion! Take for example my Christian name Linda (yeah, I bet you didn’t know I was called that) its just like MTN; everywhere you go. But these names I am focusing on here are slowly becoming as extinct as a desktop telephone.
Here are my favourite English names for girls which being used less and less during naming ceremonies in Ghana.
1. Agatha – This is a classic name! Almost vintage! We used to pronounce this as Agata (without the h).