All tagged photography

How I Potty Trained My Toddler Girl Within A Week!

I’ve finally potty trained my two-year old girl! Huge huge win for this Mommy!! The relief i feel is just incredible! It’s no joke buying diapers for two years non-stop! The cost involved, the physical chore of taking off and putting on diapers at least twice a day everyday had finally reached it’s limit. It was time to dive into the potty training phase!

The #Africa2015 Photography Competition by Agility Logistics Is Open! Here's How To Enter!

#Africa2015 is a photography competition you would be interested in whether you are a professional or amateur photographer in Ghana or Africa. Aside the fantastic prize of US $2,000 for each category with an additional $2,000 for the ultimate prize winner, which is enough motivation; the challenge is also excellent platform on creating content for Africa.