How To Prepare The Green Soup called Ebunubunu.

How To Prepare The Green Soup called Ebunubunu.

I remember seeing Ebunubunu for the first time and remember thinking,  ‘ Ewww… what green soup is this? ’ I didn’t like the greenish color of the soup one bit. So it took me a really, really long time to try a spoonful of it. And guess what? I loved it! I forgot about the greenish color and delved into the soupy freshness with some correct Fufu.

Ebunubunu is basically a Light Soup base mixed with smoothly blended Nkontonmire (cocoyam leaves) which naturally gives it that green color. Some people prepare it without the light soup base but I am yet to try that. Green is a sign of health isn't it? I am really trying to chew more leaves. LOL!  I had to try and make it I thought to myself. It was the only Ghanaian soup I didn’t know how to prepare so try it I did.

With sacred tips from my Auntie, a caterer, I embarked on another drive to the Osu market.

Here’s What I Bought & What You Need

2 Bunches of Nkontonmire

Dry River fish ( Faan loo)

4 large tomatoes

2 medium sized onions

Chilli pepper aka Kpakposhito (as much as you desire)

4 Giant African Snails

Goat meat

1 Tablespoonful of Lemon Juice


1 Maggi cube

Difficulty 3

Yummy Directions

Light soup base

1.     Blend together tomatoes, onions and pepper. Set aside

2.     Spice up the goat meat with ginger and onions; preferably the night before.

3.     Boil the snails in the shell. Pry them from the shell. The Giant African Snails are very slimy delicious creatures. But the slime can get icky. Sprinkle a generous amount of salt over them and work it through with your hand for about 2 minutes. Wash under cold water and pour the lemon juice over it. The stickiness is much reduced and the flesh almost feels dry.

4.     Wash the river fish, which tends to have grains of sand stuck inside its gills and abdomen.

5.     Wash the leaves under running water and peel the leaves from the veiny stem. Boil for less than 10 minutes. Blend very smoothly, and set aside.

6.     Place a deep saucepan on the stove and add the goat meat.  Steam the meat well as you know how tough our Billy and Nanny goats are.

7.     Add the snails.

8.     Pour the blended tomato mix unto the steaming meats and stir for about 2 minutes and pour a generous amount of water into the pan. Well until the meat is covered and is half-way in the pan. Some choose to sieve the tomatoes but that’s nutritious chaff being thrown away.

9.     Add the dry river fish so it cooks with the soup and take it out for later. This I find helps prevent the fish from dismantling.

10. Boil for about 20 minutes. Add 1 cube of Maggi for spicing.

11.  The light soup should be about ready. Pour in the blended Nkontonmire. Top up with more water.

12. Add salt to taste. Allow another 5-10 minutes for final cooking time. 

13. This is the best part. Eating! 

My blender burned out whilst blending the nkontonmire so I couldn't get the smoothness I was looking for. I blame the ice cubes I put in the blender whilst trying to make a smoothie. 

I couldn’t prepare Fufu to enjoy this soup with but it can be eaten with rice, yams and drank even on its own.

The tip I picked from my aunt was to not use too much tomatoes in order to maintain the green color of the soup. Or else it might turn more reddish green than leafy green. Also to allow the light soup to cook well before adding the blended leaves which because are already cooked doesn’t need a longer time to cook once added in.

The nutrients in cocoyam leaves are herculean! It has significant levels of antioxidants and rich in Vitamin A.  Remember that advert with the dancing vegetables?

                     Sing it with me! “I have vitamin A!”Nkontonmire singing and dancing

                                       “We have vitamin A too!” Carrots & Co join in.

   Ok, that’s all I can remember. 

See Also: Kale & Mushroom Salad Recipe

I washed it all down with my homemade Banana & Pawpaw Smoothie. That recipe will bedazzle you! Look out for it!



It’s interesting how the best meats to have in this soup are dry river fish and snails and goat. I don’t get it.

How else do you prepare your Ebunubunu? I would love to learn your secret too :) so please share in the comments below! :) 






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