Naa Oyoo Quartey

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PHOTOS: PZ Cussons Rebrands Imperial Leather and Launches New Luxury Product Lines. #LittleLuxuryMoments

PZ Cussons has rebranded and launched new luxurious personal care Imperial Leather products. Imperial Leather which is well known as a Personal Wash product has now being stretched to Personal Care. The whole range of personal care products include body wash for men & women, bar soaps, body lotions and anti-perspirants (roll-ons and sprays) for both sexes.

The sleek repackaging of the products promises a sultry-fragrance after a long shower routine which goes beyond the confines of a bath. 

After two weeks of creating a social media buzz around the hashtag #LittleLuxuryMoments the launch was finally here.

The event was MCéd by Jessica of Citifm. 

There was  standup comedy by OforiKing who managed to crown himself, 'The Unfunniest Comedian' in Ghana. The invited guests looked on silently as the 'comedian' killed us (literally) with one not-funny joke after the other. 

Better luck next time man. whew!

A catwalk show took place next and we eagerly looked forward to the new rebranding. Much to our disappointment it was only models wrapped in towels making efforts at showing the effects of using the new products. A much more effective approach would have been to let each model hold a product for display. 

But our disappointment somehow simmered with the appearance of this model. 

The place went in an uproar. Keep calm ladies! Those pecs tho. 

The concept for the catwalk though. Could have been better. 

Facebook fans who won tickets to the launch turned up with some serious homegrown 'swag'! Talk about handkerchiefs popping out of backpockets and blings at a black tie event. 

Finally, the moment we were waiting for came with sparks and pomp.

It was a fun night with other Ghanaian bloggers who took part in the social media promotion of the launch. 

Yours sincerely in a beautiful Nkrumah Pencil nude dress by Poqua Poqu

Follow the rest of the launch and product reviews of the new luxurious products by ImperialLeather on social media #LittleLuxuryMoments, because a little luxury goes a long way.