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iOS13 Major Updates To The Photos App. Here's What's New

It makes alot of sense for Apple to release major updates to the Photos app after the release of iPhone 11 Pro  and iPhone Pro Max. It would have been super weird to have high-powered camera features and a lousy Photo editing app. 

 If you have downloaded and installed iOS 13.0 by now or you'd rather wait for a less buggy iOS 13.1 then you need to check out or look out for the rich updates to the Photos App. Now your iphoneography processing will be much shorter as compared to your days of editing in Camera+, VSCO , then more editing in Snapseed before uploading to Instagram. 😅 You may have noticed some of the features as pre-existing before iOS13 but never tried them so this is an opportunity for you to.

So what's new in the new Photos App update? 

Photo Curation

Although curation was already available on the Photos App, it currently looks more snazzy than before. All your photos have been curated according to Days, Weeks, Months, Years and even Places. Although similar to the Google Photos curation, the update is a much more simplified, cleaner and friendlier version in comparison.

The Effects Suggestion feature where the AI suggests the best lighting effect for selected photos is a quick edit to photos.

The Memories feature is much cooler now with pre-named collections. If you have a lavish collection of baby photos (like me😄) the app gives it a name such as The First Years or Growing Up. That's very useful and Motherhood approved🙌🏽. Long-pressing on any of the collections allows a quick view which you can also tap to view more photos. Each photo also shows the mapped location i.e where you took the photo. This is a great feature which I  sorely missed on the Instagram app before it became the monster it is today. 

Photos App

Editing Photos

This is where the Photos App truly shines! Editing! Can we all agree that the editing features was awful in design and confusing ? Thank you. Now that we have that out of the way, look at this beaut! swipe to the left major editing features from Exposure, Brilliance to Sharpness will make any photo shine like it deserves. I took this photo with a Canon in sRAW format and exported it to my iPhoneX via the Canon app. I then processed it using the Photos app exclusively.

After editing..

The new features make it perfect for on-the-go sharing and publishing of content on your blog. Perhaps it’s time to cancel some photo editing subscriptions to save on those monthly deductions 🌝.

Another major update is editing videos in the Photos app! Now you don’t need to open iMovie or any third-party video editing app for quick video edits.  The same editing features for photos is also available for videos. You can crop the video or change the perspective view. You can then export the video if you want to add texts or captions to it. This is also great for quick sharing to Instagram or Facebook.

Sharing options

Sharing photos and videos is simpler with a single swipe up to reveal various options such as sending to a shared album, your social media accounts, creating a wallpaper , airplay etc.

Do you get irritated by having to constantly swipe through apps to choose the one to share to? Maybe it’s always been there but I just noticed this Edit button ( circled in yellow marker below) after clicking on More…when looking for an app to share to. Clicking on the Edit button reveals a cache of apps to choose and add to your Favourites List. This makes sharing faster and easier honestly.

The editing updates have made the Photos App much more useful than just a gallery and can finally be added to the list of Best Photo Editing Apps 😄.

What do you think of the updates to the Photos App? Have you downloaded iOS13.0 yet or you’d rather wait for iOS13.1 which is less buggy? Do please share in the comments your thoughts.