5 Simple Tips On How To Effectively Manage a WhatsApp Group Like A Boss!

Have you recently created a Whatsapp group and totally lost control of the group page? A page which you set up to manage an event, a community group or an old students meetup group which has suddenly evolved into a horrific mass of chain mail, if-you-dont-forward-this-you-wont-get-your-blessings texts and forwards which eat into your data. This can easily happen to you especially when you aren't conversant with being a super Group admin manager.

These are my top tips for managing a WhatsApp Group like a boss

When Parents Say: "You Can't Bring A [Insert Tribe] Into Our House".

Making a decision on who you want to marry should be easy. Choosing who you want to fall in love with and end up marrying should be based on your personal decision and choice. If you want to marry someone from the North, South, East or West or from any tribe that should be something you as a person should be free to do. Right? But why is it that in Ghana and perhaps other African countries; parents do not give their children the freedom of choosing who to settle down with when it comes to the tribe of their partner?

How I Survived Being Laid Off After 6 Six Years In An Oil & Gas Company.

There are things that you think would never happen to you. Sometimes you get to comfortable in a zone when everything seems to be going well. You have a job, which pays you well and gives you great employee perks, trains you up professionally and you just think you are set for life. Then one day, unexpectedly you get laid off. What do you do? No job security, reduced income,no health insurance and you are faced with psychological trauma.