Why do Married Men Cheat? Part 2
So here I am again to finish what I started on ‘Why do married men cheat?’. There are lots of reasons why married men cheat and if I were to delve into every one of them I am sure I would write up to Part 20 and still not be done.
This will be my final part so feel free to add what you believe are the reasons pertaining to this topic.
It is common to hear most men complain about how women nag about every little issue. Lets start with the definition for nagging.
Nagging , verb. to annoy by persistent faultfinding, complaints, or demands .
I have heard my fair share of it my life and I would often wonder whether to comment on an issue or not for fear of being accused of nagging. I kept quiet most of the time. I believe a fair share of married men have been
driven away from their marital homes due to consistent nagging from their wives. The Bible even states in Proverbs 21:19 It is better to live in a desert land than with a quarrelsome and fretful woman. This means that even our Creator knows how nagging can drive a man nuts and make him look for solace elsewhere.
Some women are known to nag about the way their husbands dress, their style of eating, the car they drive, their work, etc. All because they want a classier, richer, stylish husband just like their friends’. The wives always find faults with their husbands and criticize his every decision in the home. As a wife if you compare your husband with your friends’ you will are in danger of losing him!
The danger in nagging is that it crosses the line between complaining to disrespectfulness. A man would interpret your constant nagging as a disrespectful tone. Beware of the tone in your voice when you have something to say to your man. Nagging is irritating to any man, he would rather go hide somewhere with some other woman who gives him peace than to sit in the war zone with you.
Be gracious in your speech as a wife, this means recognizing your husband as the head and giving him the respect which God commands you as a wife to give. When you aren’t getting the response you are looking for, be patient. Men aren’t like women. They process a lot of information one at a time and take time to analyze them before responding unlike we women who tend to speak immediately when spoken to. You want to keep your man at home? Stop nagging and trying to change him.
5 signs you are a nag;
1. Every question you ask starts with, "Why haven't you...?"
2. You repeat each question three times, in growing increments of volume
3. You constant call him to remind him of chores
4. You send 5 texts during the work day to remind him about your anniversary dinner or the visit to your parents house.
5. You spend more time making demands than you do making love.
Enjoy this joke about a nagging wife:
Farmer Jake had a nagging wife who made his life
miserable. The only real peace that he got was when he
was out in the field plowing.
One day when he was out in the field, Jake's wife
brought his lunch to him. Then she stayed while he
quietly ate and berated him with a constant stream of
nagging and complaining. Suddenly, Jake's old mule
kicked up his back legs, striking the wife in the head,
and killing her instantly.
At the wake, Jake's minister noticed that when the
women offered their sympathy to Jake he would nod his
head up and down. But when the men came up and spoke
quietly to him, he would shake his head from side to
When the wake was over and all the mourners had left,
the minister approached Jake and asked, "Why was it
that you nodded your head up and down to all the women
and shook your head from side to side to all the men?"
Well, Jake replied, "The women all said how nice she
looked, and her dress was so pretty," so I agreed by
nodding my head up and down. The men all asked, "Is
that mule for sale!?"