What You Need to Know Before Working Offshore....
Since oil was discovered in Ghana, almost everyone wants to work in an oil company. That’s cool. Depending on the field you have specialised in, you can get the chance to go offshore to the rigs or FPSO to work. But don’t think you that because you are a mechanical engineer you can just jump onto the next helicopter and you are there. No it doesn’t work like that.
Before you can go offshore , you have to medically fit to be able to work in that kind of harsh environment and you need to take the Basic Offshore Safety Induction & Emergency Training (BOSIET) course. This course basically prepares you for emergency response in the event of any incident on the rigs or in the event of the helicopter in which you are flying in decides to crash into the shark-ridden sea.
I completed this 3-day course at the Regional Maritime University and was run by training company called SMTC, and by the time i was done...i considered myself a SURVIVOR!! It is not a joke i have to tell you.
The course is divided into 3 parts: Helicopter Underwater Egress Training (HUET), Fire Training and Emergency Response Preparedness.
Day 1 HUET basically trains you on what to do in the event of the helicopter in which you are travelling decides to crash into the sea (yikes!) A Ga woman like me who doesn’t know to swim and i am being asked to stay underwater for 30seconds without breathing. Kw333!
Day 2 - Fire Training was much easier with basic fire safety training and having to find your way through a smoke-filled room. Simon, our trainer says, ‘if you see your friend on the floor and there is a big fire, RUN and save yourself!’ No Comment.
Day 3- Emergency Response Preparedness was my favourite part as it had more to do with how to jump off at a height (in case of emergencies on the rig) and surviving with other survivors until rescue arrives whilst also praying no shark chews on your leg. I guess in a real situation it wouldn’t be fun
So just in case you have been eyeing the oil industry, more especially to work offshore then sacrifice and save for this course as its quite pricey.