Naa Oyoo Quartey

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Is There A Reason Why Ghanaian Women Don't Play Snooker?

Snooker or playing pool has been in Ghana for quite a number of years now. More than 10 years i should say because i remember my first snooker game way back in 2008 at the Honeysuckle Pub in Osu. Photo below is evidence of my beginner stages 🙈.

There was a sudden increase in both new and old pubs fitting pool tables in a bid to attract more pub goers . Champs bar was another popular bar which was always crowded with interested players.

I started playing snooker on my phone. It was one of the many iPhone game apps and i got pretty interested in trying out the real game which i did and couldn't wait to keep practising. Unfortunately, life happened and i lost myself for awhile especially also with motherhood and setting up of Ess'i’s.

Fast forward to a month ago when I remembered how much i had wanted to be better at playing pool. I’ve been to Honeysuckle Labone three times to play and it’s been enthralling! The guys guide me on my angles and shots and it’s been quite a learning experience!

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But all these times i’ve been to play, my opponents have all been men! Where are the women? This question has been plaguing me for awhile.

I was telling a friend earlier this afternoon that i was off to play pool and he was taken aback. He’s never heard any woman tell him they are off to play snooker. So i asked him why this was the case and he couldn’t give any explanation.

Later this evening as i finished up on my game, I met a female player. She was white and asked me if i wanted to play but I had had enough for the evening. She said it was so rare seeing a Ghanaian woman playing pool and asked if i was born in Ghana. I assured her I am Ghanaian born & bred for real. 😄

Is there a social stigma against Ghanaian women who play pool ? I can’t understand it. If we have women in most major sports then why not snooker which is a sport played on a globally competitive level? Speaking of global competition, the World Snooker Competition is currently ongoing and guess what? Players can win up to GBP 500,000 ! 🤯 That’s no small sport.

I personally discovered how snooker helps me to strategise , focus and keep a steady concentration on my shot which i realise is helping me with my daily tasks at work. It’s also taught me more patience as i have to wait whilst the other player figures out where to pot his next shot. Potting a ball delivers shots of dopamine to my brain and really makes me feel good! It’s a serious positive boost to your mental health. This has been one of the ways i spend my Mommy time and it’s so good!

If you are a Ghanaian woman reading this, consider taking Snooker up. It’s not just a game for the men, women can totally learn the game easily! If you are looking for something new which will build up your mental health, snooker is your answer.