6 Foods That Could Help Increase BreastMilk Supply
Breastmilk is the liquid gold for every baby’s physical and mental development. But getting this liquid gold to flow in sufficient amounts from the colostrum stage at birth to about the first three months is not child’s play. Why is this so difficult? Breastfeeding is so tough that most pediatricians and obstetrics will encourage new Moms not to give up because they know how gritty the path is. I have not had it easy either but today I am pleased to say I proudly can express almost 300ml in one sitting from both my orange-sized breasts 😋.
If you are near your full-term pregnancy you might be wondering “how did she get here?” How can you also increase your breastmilk supply especially with our local foods? Easy. Here’s my list of local foods and drinks that can help increase your breast milk supply.
I remember from day one, the foods I was always being advised to eat for more breastmilk. Soups. Most especially light soup filled to the brim with carrots, garden eggs and smoked fish. Then there was also Palm-nut soup which I had on the regular. After a while, these traditional soups can become boring and make you feel bleh. If you are staying over at your Moms or she’s staying over at yours, ask her to prepare Tilapia and Vegetable soup with a handful fenugreek ground into the soup. Fenugreek is an herb which is known to contain hormone precursors for increased breast milk production. Prepare an enriching vegetable soup and have it for breakfast instead of the usual breakfast meal of waakye.
Palmnut soup with veggies and sweet potatoes
2. Kenkey Broth
What is Kenkey Broth? This is the water which is used to cook Ga Kenkey. This water cooks the Kenkey and corn leaves and eventually transforms into a steaming milky-white broth of corn. You can easily buy a gallon size from any Ga Kenkey house, however I would recommend choosing a Ga Kenkey house which produces excellent Kenkey. The nicer the Kenkey the more amazing the broth. In Ga, we call this water Otim nshi nu. Any Ga Kenkey seller will swear by the healing properties of Otim nshi nu. I have been told it can not only increase breast milk flow but chases away feverish symptoms and diabetes. I can attest to the breast milk flow not the last two though. I bought a gallon of this beautiful broth a week after I delivered and saw an increased flow in 24hours! It was actually so delicious I finished it within a few days. You can store it bottled in the refrigerator but shake before drinking as it thickens after being in the fridge. You can also boil it on the stove before drinking. It’s best drank early morning before breakfast.
Freshly cooked Ga Kenkey
Bottling of Otim nshi nu (Ga Kenkey Broth)
3. LemonGrass Fenugreek Tea
Lemongrass should be grown in your home already if it isn’t and if it is, snip off a handful steep it in hot boiling water with fenugreek for 10minutes until the water turns darker. Drink hot early morning or mildly warm in the early afternoon hours.
4. Fula/Fura
This popular fermented millet drink should be an ever-present ingredient in your fridge. Mix with groundnuts, cow milk or coconut milk if you are lactose intolerant and your favorite seeds for a fortified breakfast or lunch meal. The fermentation of millet during the Fula production increases the presence of probiotics which are fantastic for a healthy and strong gut. The more probiotics you have the richer the breast milk you produce. Trust me I noticed an obvious difference in the creamy texture of my milk after drinking Fula.
5. Hausa Koko
Hausa Koko is also made from millet and a mix of various spices. Drink a lot of Hausa Koko especially in the early evening. Make sure you are wearing nursing pads before going to bed that night because you might end up with wet splotches on your sheets in the morning. Don’t say I didn’t warn you 😅. Look out for the Hausa Koko which is intensely spicy because that contains more hwentia, cayenne pepper, esuro wisa and other local spices which our Grandmother’s swear by for breast milk supply. I drive about 25minutes to Adjirigano to buy my special Hausa Koko which I drink around 4pm. The next morning these boobs are heavy with pure breastmilk goodness!
Hausa Koko seller at Adjiriganor
6. Porridges
Our local porridges are pretty amazing for breast milk supply. My favourite being Tom Brown and Ma Koko ( Corn porridge). Consistently drinking these porridges shoots up your supply especially when drank once in the morning and once in the early evening like 5pm. My baby’s nanny will insist adding peanuts to my porridges because according to her, grandmothers in Northern Ghana are positive about the nut being breast milk boosters. I usually top my porridges with 4 tablespoons of Nido milk powder and an outrageous amount of peanuts. It knocks me out too!
The main and important thing you must do as a breastfeeding mom is to increase your liquids/fluids and also to breastfeed often. The more you breastfeed, eat well and rest these combined factors will ensure your breast milk will flow endlessly until you decide to end your breastfeeding. Breastmilk is super nutritious for baby and as a new Mom, what you eat is essential in enriching the milk for baby. So eat good! All the best and don’t give up!
Are you a breastfeeding mom? How did you increase your milk supply? Got any secrets to share with other new Moms out there? Post it up in the comments :-)