Make Your Natural Hair Resolutions For 2016 for Longer, Healthier, Lust Worthy Natural Hair. #MyKpenkpeshie
Admit it. You didn't play nice with your natural hair in 2015. You broke some natural hair rules and even possibly added some small chemical to soften it. Yikes!
So like everyone else ( or maybe 70% of the world's population) you have written down some resolutions and decided to be more loving to grow your natural hair to a lust worthy length and texture . Here are some useful and helpful resolutions you can set in addition to what you might already be having.
1. I Will Set A Personal Growth Challenge
Although not the easiest of things to do, it is not impossible. You can set reminders on your phone for days to do deep-conditioning, hot oil treatments, protein treatments etc within two months or six months. We all get busy with life and can easily forget the essentials of haircare. This can be your reminder throughout the period you set for yourself. Set longer challenges so you don’t feel pressured to meet the goal you have set for yourself. If you don’t want to feel alone in this challenge since two heads are better than one, then you can join natural hair growth challenges by natural hair instagram accounts like that of WeNaturals.
2. I Will Be Less Stressed About Growth
Relax about the growth of your natural hair already. We have all been there. Spending time in-front of the mirror and pulling a couple of strands down your forehead to see where it’s actually at, buying every product out there which promises lust-worthy hair and constantly stressing to your friends who have longer hair that yours isn’t growing. Take a chill pill with your hair. Stressing can actually reduce hair growth. Be therefore not anxious nor worried. The hair will grow even if its slow. Avoid changing too many products within a short period of time. Your strands even get confused.
3. I Will Not Be Hair Envious
Hair envy. Its so easy to be envious about other women’s incredible natural hair lengths, especially when you just did your BIG CHOP. Social media doesn’t make it easier either, does it? Incredible curls and coils on instagram and pinterest makes you want to find some miracle product to get an instant puff of hair. Or hide the little tufts of hair growing on yours. Remember that all those photos on your feed or timeline can be real or fake. Trust me, fake natural hair can seem deceptively real. Don’t be envious of African-American women in their natural hair oh! Their texture is totally different from your Kpenkpeshie which is tighter and stronger. Love your own hair because it’s yours and only you can make it look amazing and unlike others. Many women complain that their hair is too hard and often fall into the temptation of adding a bit of chemical to soften it because someone’s own looks much softer. Decree to yourself in 2016 ‘ I LOVE MY KPENKPESHIE! IT’S MINE AND MINE ONLY!’ ‘ I WONT BE HAIR ENVIOUS! I AM BETTER THAN THAT!’
naturalhairquote to declare
3. I Will Learn More About Natural Hair
Growing your natural hair takes time, learning and commitment.
There are so many articles surrounding care and maintenance tips on natural hair. But do be careful which one’s you follow. Trusted blogs like mine :) , NaturallyCurly and CurlyNikki are excellent natural hair blogs you can trust for sublime content ranging from tips, product reviews, natural hairstyles and more!
4 . I Will Change My Lifestyle Habits
Habits are difficult to change. But apparently doing the same thing more than 7 times eventually becomes a habit. Lifestyle habits you can change not only for a healthier you but also which leads to healthier hair are drinking more water a day, exercising regularly and eating more organically. Easier said than done right? But little by little you can actually do this.
- If you have resolved to work out more this year, have a schedule for it whether you are running Wednesdays and Fridays or cycling on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
- Eating healthier should include a meal plan of more fruits, veggies and less starch.
- You can also have a water bottle on hand during working hours which you can easily refill from the office water dispenser.
These resolutions are very much part of your natural hair journey. You can’t do without them for that will surely be at your loss. What do you say about us doing better this year? Yes we can!
Have you set any resolution for your #naturalhair yet? What are they and what is your plan to keep them?