All tagged Social Media

How To Vote For My Blog For The BloggingGhana Blogging & Social Media Awards 2016.

I love to blog. I never realised that my love for reading and writing poems and short stories would grow into this beautiful blog and space for creating and sharing incredibly valuable content.  Its been five years and counting since I started to blog, writing first about my opinions on things which interested me which interestingly spanned from weddings, relationships, food etc. Eventually this all came together to be a lifestyle blog. 

I joined Blogging Ghana some three years ago to be more connected to other Ghanaian bloggers in the blogosphere and learn ways to improve on my blogging skills. It's been a great association since I joined. Blogging Ghana is once again holding its Blogging & Social Media Awards 2016 to recognise and award bloggers who are creating original content and have an influential following on social media. 

How It All Went Down At #DumsorMustStop Vigil.

The long-awaited, non-partisan #DumsorMustStop has come to an end. A vigil initiated by Ghanaian actress Yvonne Nelson and some concerned Ghanaians took place today after some days of insults on social and traditional media. 'You are doing the work of NPP,' accused one NDC official as the Ghanaian actress announced her intentions. After all is said and done, the vigil finally took place. How was it, you ask? High turnout with splatters of disorderliness and selfie-taking celebrities.