THIS WEEKEND: The Accra Vintage Car Show You Cant Afford To Miss!
Everything can be vintage but not everything can be vintage with style and elegance like vintage cars. When your dad owned a VW Beatle which he polished and shined every morning you will understand the above sentence. Cars have come a long way like everything else, changing over time as technology evolved so did its features and functions.
This weekend promises to be exciting for all vintage car enthusiasts and car collectors as Total Ghana brings the Accra Vintage Car Show through a classic car parade and display at the Accra Polo Court. The event is being organised under the theme INTEGRITY and will start around 12 pm with a drive of classic cars from Cahaya in East Legon through the principal streets of Accra to the polo grounds. The cars will be on display throughout the whole day for viewing with a polo tournament which starts at 4pm.
It will be an entertaining time talking to the owners of these babies to find out why they are collectors and where they found such beauties. All over the world, there are vintage car collectors like this French man who collected 60 vintage cars in the hopes of opening a vintage car museum but the cars languished on his French farm.
Photo by Huw Briscoe/Hemera / Getty Images
Its going to be an exciting time of going back into time with Corvettes, Jaguars, Fords, Bentley's and other brands!
It's a not-to-be-missed show!