All in Technology

My Expectations of ProjectLink As A Blogger In Ghana.

My life as a blogger relies on two essentials: electricity & internet. Without these two necessities I would probably be having only a diary with one reader: myself.

When I attended the launch of ProjectLink by Google some weeks back, I was excited to hear how this project would come to transform internet access, speed & affordability in Ghana. Fiber cables running from Accra to Kumasi all 1,000km of it to connect Ghanaians to the world wide web. Finally! Fast internet access in Ghana! Affordable? I am yet to find out.

As a blogger what are my expectations on the delivery of ProjectLink?

Street photography brings out the candid moments and reflects the regular lives of people as they go about life. It gives a glimpse into the lives of every culture in any country. Whether it’s a person riding on a bicyle whilst texting or a little girl getting her braids done each moment captured on a smartphone or dslr tells a deep visual story.


Shooting street photography in Accra is not much different from doing same in some cities. it is not an exactly photo friendly city in all honest opinion. The city has a lot of history but less artsy locations, events and monuments to shoot at. If not for annual art festivals like #ChaleWote2015 there’s little going on in the city with regards to festivals and large outdoor events.

Here Are 4 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Be Scared To Work In Tech Because You Are A Woman.

Women in Tech is not a new topic. So much has been written about it. So many incidents where women were picked on instead of being praised.

From sexist jokes being made at conferences to harassments in many workplaces, especially tech startups, one would have thought by now, we would have learned our lesson.

Well, we haven't and that's sad ... I came home last night to find a hashtag on twitter #ILookLikeAnEngineer . I wondered what it was all about and after digging deeper found this article that started it all.

The #Africa2015 Photography Competition by Agility Logistics Is Open! Here's How To Enter!

#Africa2015 is a photography competition you would be interested in whether you are a professional or amateur photographer in Ghana or Africa. Aside the fantastic prize of US $2,000 for each category with an additional $2,000 for the ultimate prize winner, which is enough motivation; the challenge is also excellent platform on creating content for Africa.  

Registrar General Says You Can Register Your Business Online But Don’t Try It Yet.

Registering your company in Ghana is a hustle and a time-wasting experience which can have you frustrated and leave you to resort to using connection guys to help. These guys too aren’t cheap. So you can imagine how refreshing the news felt when I heard you can now register your business entity online now. Registrar General is getting techy. I was excited to see I could check if my business name was available through the Name Search function and reserve the Name as well. But before you get all excited, here’s why I think you should hold off on doing so for now.

Highly Recommended Productivity Apps For Any Startup!

Being a founder of an ecommerce startup in Ghana has been a gap bridging experience for me so far. The founders team is made up of 5 young enterprising people and managing the operations of the business currently revolves around a lot of technological adaptations especially where productivity apps are concerned. Most start-ups always starts out as a small team which get together as often as they can especially where they have full time day jobs. This often is a challenge in terms of logistics and conflicts with other meetings. Having the right productivity apps solves this problem to ensure the team is still connected and able to track tasks and current projects.

7 Essentials Every Blogger Needs To Optimize Their Game.

Do you feel like you are ready to take your blogging more seriously and maybe start earning some form of income from your writing? Are you ready to be recognised as a professional blogger and wondering how to go about it? 


Currently in my fourth year of blogging, I have gone through just writing my thoughts on whatever popped into my head to writing on things that interest me and to a more defined area of lifestyle. Through these stages which I choose to call the different shades of blogging I have learnt through mentorship, self-research and hands on practicing of tips provided by industry leaders.

PHOTOS: The Accra Vintage Car Show

Total Ghana sponsored the Accra Vintage Car Show which was held this weekend with a strong focus on the theme INTEGRITY. 

The show started with a round-about-town procession on the principal streets of Accra and finally ending at the Accra Polo Court for public display. The vintage cars privately owned by Ghanaians attested to how much love and care had gone into preserving the timeless brands of major car makers.