A Journey Into The Best Beans Joint in Osu.

Here’s an inside look at how beans is sold atthe Beans Joint and at most beans joints in the city. The procedure is basically the same but the taste is always different from place to place. I recorded the ambient noise and conversation exchanges between buyer and seller so you get an appreciation of how streetfood is bought in Ghana. 

Personality Interview: Comic Writer James Breakwell Shares How Tweeting About Conversations With His Four Daughters Made His Account Go Viral.

James Breakwell tweets about his everyday experience with his four daughters all under the age of six are simply delightfully hilarious! He has been featured on several websites and blogs from  DailyMailUk to Mashable due to the witty and sometimes relatable - if you have kids of your own- conversations he has with his daughters which he tweets on his Twitter account @XplodingUnicorn .

Why Men Need to be Involved in the Pregnancy Process.

  The lack of male responsibility starts as early as the time a couple is trying to conceive.  Of course if a woman becomes pregnant easily she is praised and the families are happy.  However, if she is unable to become pregnant, she, the woman, is held responsible.  Although it’s true there are cases when a woman’s infertility can be cause for concern, 33% of the time it’s actually the man who is either infertile or has a very low sperm count.  But in African cultures, rarely does a man speak up and admit that he could be the cause of the problem. 

Surprise Your Mom This #MothersDay By Cooking For Her in the Instagram Contest #CookingForMa

If you are stuck in a rut as to what to get or do for your Mom this Mother's Day, then you are in serious luck! 

You can cook for her as part of the Instagram Contest, my food blog SeeMyChow.com is running, towards 8th May which is this year's MothersDay. This can be your favourite meal which she made for you over the years or a traditional dish you are really good at. Think outside the box on this one. 

There are prizes to be won! Two gift vouchers to be given to the Ultimate winner and the first runner up. 

Influential Award-Winning Ghanaian Photographer; Nana Kofi Acquah Is Awarded As A Fellow In The Tim Hetherington Fellowship

Also known as @africashowboy on Instagram, Nana Kofi is an award-winning blogger and poet. 

It is heart-warming and encouraging to see influential African Instagrammers and Photographers like Nana Kofi get international recognition for their commitment and passionate drive in creating African stories that move people into action. 

Ghanaian Artists Transforming The Art Industry in Ghana: Inside Scoop About Bright Ackwerh, Winner of The Kuenyehia Prize For Contemporary Ghanaian Art 2016.


O.Q - What inspired your work into caricature illustration? 

B. A - A lot of factors actually. I discovered the work of some artists on the internets which amazed and inspired me. Their presentation of it was what caught my eye not the concept though as these were commercial illustrators.

Strategic Power Solutions (SPS) Launches Its UltraModern Solar Panels Manufacturing Plant.

The need for solar energy in Ghana has become more pertinent than ever before! A country with 365/366 days of free sunshine, which can get as hot as 37 degrees on a normal day we have slacked in putting measures in place to tap into this alternative energy source. 

Thankfully all this is about to change with the first solar panels manufacturing plant which was launched recently by Strategic Partner Solutions (SPS) a key subsidiary of Strategic Solutions Systems International, 3SiL.

The solar panels manufacturing plant is located in Kpone (4kms from the Tema Roundabout on the Aflao Road).

How To Vote For My Blog For The BloggingGhana Blogging & Social Media Awards 2016.

I love to blog. I never realised that my love for reading and writing poems and short stories would grow into this beautiful blog and space for creating and sharing incredibly valuable content.  Its been five years and counting since I started to blog, writing first about my opinions on things which interested me which interestingly spanned from weddings, relationships, food etc. Eventually this all came together to be a lifestyle blog. 

I joined Blogging Ghana some three years ago to be more connected to other Ghanaian bloggers in the blogosphere and learn ways to improve on my blogging skills. It's been a great association since I joined. Blogging Ghana is once again holding its Blogging & Social Media Awards 2016 to recognise and award bloggers who are creating original content and have an influential following on social media. 

Kaa Fee Buulu.

I was almost home. I was about to turn into a street when I noticed little clusters of people staring in one direction (towards my left which I was about to turn into) and vaguely wondered what was attracting their attention. My vague wondering mind now came to full understanding of what had caught their attention. Two men were in the middle of the road and were engaged in what seemed to be a slight scuffle. Well, the bigger man in a red t-shirt seemed to be winning at whatever scuffle it was.

Pope Francis Just Got On Instagram With 285K Followers Already! (Dont Hate)

The Catholic Church which as been depicted in many movies and books as a  religious organisation with many secrets (dark or whichever colour) to hide just opened one of its doors to the social media world. The door leads into the Instagram account for Pope Francis @franciscus ! Imagine that! It must have taken a lot of deliberations and discussions for this to actually happen.

The world of social now gets a glimpse into the 'world' of the revered Pope and his activities. The already verified account has already raked in 285K  followers as at the writing of this post with one photo posted. How's that for influence pardner? 

Easy-To-Make: Cashew Green Salad Recipe

I whipped up a Cashew Green salad in a matter of 20 minutes which went brilliantly went with slices of toasted brown bread. The magic was actually in the vinaigrette I used. It is super easy and healthier to make your own vinaigrette. I am having trust issues with some imported products into this country.


There are various ways to fortify a simple green salad for added nutrients. My go-to extra-nutrients are to add nuts, some healthy meats or fruits to it. Works every time.