All in Personal Development

How You Can Love Yourself & Attract The Right Man in 2016.

There’s always that one thing which you don’t mind waking up at dawn to do. Whether it’s baking scones, writing a short Children’s story or painting still life. You need to go back to it if you somehow abandoned it along the way. I went back to my love of writing which life had almost made me forget about. Rediscovering your passion ignites an inner joy within you which lights up your face every time you focus on it.

Bit by Bit Bit I’m Heading Towards Savings Success.

Results. We all like to see the results of whatever initiative we embark. Whether we’re trying to lose weight or acing an exam. Whatever we embark on, there will be some form of results. Those results could be good or bad – depending on how much effort we put into our goals.


September has come and gone and I have some results to show for my savings challenge. This is an overview of how much I spent in August and September on dining out, one area I’ve been trying to cut back on.

The Little Habits That Help You Save.

As I keep trudging on to do better at savings, I realized that a large portion of my expenses was going into Dining/Eating Out. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t eat out all the time. I am talking about sandwiches from a local patisserie, buying waakye and impulse buying of snacks. All these purchases I classify under eating out. They might seem small, but trust me, at the end of the month I could be spending more than 100 cedis on eating out.

To reduce this and other similar tiny ones, I’ve been implementing some new habits.

Here Are 4 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Be Scared To Work In Tech Because You Are A Woman.

Women in Tech is not a new topic. So much has been written about it. So many incidents where women were picked on instead of being praised.

From sexist jokes being made at conferences to harassments in many workplaces, especially tech startups, one would have thought by now, we would have learned our lesson.

Well, we haven't and that's sad ... I came home last night to find a hashtag on twitter #ILookLikeAnEngineer . I wondered what it was all about and after digging deeper found this article that started it all.

Ericsson Ghana Engages Female Engineering Students In Support of Womens Day (#IWD2015)

The 8th of every March is International Women’s Day globally and this year’s observance was held as usual since its first on February 28, 1909 in New York. And to celebrate this year’s event , Ericsson Ghana to show their support for women advancement across the globe, held a mentoring and speaking session to engage female engineering students from the various tertiary institutions across the country with esteemed world-recognised women in engineering and technology careers.

10 Quotes on Gender Inequality

As part of my contribution towards the global blogging day, #BAD14 (even though I am a day late :( ) I collated the best quotes on gender equality & inequality and how many people (men and women) are discriminated against because of their sex. I chose gender inequality because it beats my imagination why a woman or man who is qualified to do a job and take a certain position is discriminated against for being that gender. What matters should be if they can actually perform at that task excellently. These quotes express the sentiments of global leaders and personalities from different countries and backgrounds.

A loyal reader reached out to me recently following my post on Free Wifi locations in Osu. I decided to post my response following her query:

I am a follower of your blog. I really like what you do on website. Please, I want to know how website addresses are personalized. I know there are some charges. How are those charges paid and to who, especially in Ghana. Can you also recommend good companies that host websites and are affordable? Thank you so much. - Delai

 Women are breaking the glass ceiling in every country in previously male-dominated jobs and industries. On International Women's Day celebrated worldwide on the 8th of March, there was a lot of talk on radio about inspirational women from different spheres of life and their inspirational accomplishments. Sometimes, certain names ring consistently and repeatedly throughout and sometimes with great ease we can easily roll off our tongues when asked to mention a woman of great inspiration.