Naa Oyoo Quartey

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How I Potty Trained My Toddler Girl Within A Week!

I’ve finally potty trained my two-year old girl! Huge huge win for this Mommy!! The relief i feel is just incredible! It’s no joke buying diapers for two years non-stop! The cost involved, the physical chore of taking off and putting on diapers at least twice a day everyday had finally reached it’s limit. It was time to dive into the potty training phase!

Honestly, i was a bit scared to start the training after hearing a few horror stories of ‘poop accidents’ from other Mom’s . Balancing being a home chef and a mom plus other social roles has been a wild ride and now a new phase was presenting itself in mommy hood and i was a bit apprehensive. I needed a smooth transition. But once i took the plunge, it’s been smooth sailing and absolute no diapers even at night. Freedom!

Watch my Reel below as i talk about the experience of being a first-time mom training her toddler how to transition from diaper to toilet bowl.

See this content in the original post

I shot this video first week January 2022 and since then we’ve had one bed wetting incident which i own up to 😅, i forgot to let her pee before bedtime and the harmattan chill also did it’s thing.

If you are a new mom or dad about to potty train your toddler girl then i hope my video has been useful for you.

In Summary:

  1. Be patient with your child. This is a whole new experience for them.

  2. Interact and engage your child frequently by watching potty training videos and playfully communicate to them about no longer being babies. Big girls don’t wear diapers was my singsong.

  3. Create a form of reward system for whenever they sit on the potty and pee or poop. This can be giving them a new sticker or mini-toy.

  4. Once again , be patient but with yourself. It’s easy to get frustrated and exhausted during the potty training phase . Breathe. Move. Breathe. That’s what got me through to the other side!

Have you potty trained your child? How did it go? I’d love to read from you on your personal experience.