How I Track My Expenses & Why You Should .
Did the weekend come to an end too quickly? Saturday was a quiet day at home, creating video recipes for my food blog. That’s when I realised that I need more kitchen accessories– which meant that I was going to the supermarket!
I am tracking small expenses for my home and work this week, so that I’m able to know where I can save more money that I can put towards my savings goal of travelling outside the country.
As far back as I can remember, I have never really been a big spender when it comes to material things. I think my Mom at one time got worried that I was too ‘chisel’. She didn’tunderstand why I didn’twant to buy loads of bags and shoes like the other girls. ‘You are working eh! Enjoy your money small eh!’ she would chide. The thing is, that I found walking in shops and searching for accessories to feel like work, and I didn’t have time for that.
However, what she didn’t know was that I loved eating out more than I love shopping. That was my weakness. I especiallyloved dining on weekends and that spending habit quickly started eating at my purse. Good food and takeaways are expensive.
This weekend, I started tracking my expenses again after a lapse of almost six months. Trying to do it manually in a little book doesn't work for me, so I found myself going back to my Pocket Expense app on my phone and iPad.
This is what it looks like so far:
Tracking weekly expenses
I know tracking my expenses will tell me where my money goes in a week and then in a month.
The guy in the video below, dreams of buying a car (like many of us do) and he has a choice to either indulge in snacks and coffee or save that money towards his dream. He obviously makes a wise choice and pockets the money for almost three months. In this time he has saved enough to drive off in his dream car. You know what the best part is? That could be you or me. I know I can do with a new car.
You should start tracking your expenses too. It’s not something to put off for later because time is money and time wasted can never be recovered. Your dream is always attainable and it will start with little steps of saving.
The savings campaign by Barclays will help you with useful savings tips and ideas.
This article is the second in a series of sponsored posts for the BARCLAYS SAVINGS CHALLENGE. I hope the challenge has been as interesting for you as it has been for me. You can follow the discussion on Twitter and Facebook and share your own experience by using the hashtag #AFRICASAVES.
Visit for useful savings calculators, tips and more information on savings accounts.