Covid-19 in Ghana & Why The Easing Up On Restrictions Isn't The Best Way Forward.
The country has been waiting for May 31st with bated breath as to whether the President was going to ease up restrictions or continue with the partial as from before. To the surprise or not so-surprised public, he eased up on social, educational and religious activities in the country. Wait. The same President who said he couldn’t bring people back to life’ ? Is he being overly confident about the low death rates?
The President announced that churches and mosques can open at 25% attendance rate or a maximum of 100 persons per service which is to last for 1 hour. And he admonished religious bodies to put strict hygiene protocols in place to curb the spread of COVID-19.
Am I the only one who got instantly worried at this decision? Based on a current poll I posted, it seems like the enlightened and more informed Ghanaian has decided to stay home despite churches and mosques being given the go-ahead to open up under social distancing and strict hygiene protocols.
Personally, I will not be going. Why? Because the average Ghanaian irrespective of social or economic standing is stubborn and doesn’t listen/comply with simple instructions. It’s obvious in how we drive, how we disrespect time, how we treat our environment, how… let me end here. Corona Virus has come to make it even more blatantly obvious that we are just stubborn. With all the directives given by the President, media campaigns and whatnots, some Ghanaians will tell you there’s no virus. Like?!?
Earlier this afternoon, I drove down to Bawaleshie to get my phone fixed and you would have wondered whether the people there are oblivious as to the wearing of nose masks and other safety protocols. I didn’t see a SINGLE PERSON wearing a nose mask! Even the phone shop I went into, the salesperson wasn’t wearing on. I decided to ask why he wasn’t in one. He laughed and said, “ Ah! But if there was a virus why would the President tell us to stay home to be safe and then the next minute, be opening the churches and mosques? Why will he be doing these things when we see thousands of people being infected?” Why indeed.
I used Uber Connect last week and the Uber driver arrived at my house without a nose mask and he didn’t use any hand sanitiser either. I asked him why and he retorted, “ Corona virus should gedda away der'“. His own words not mine.
When the two-weeks lockdown was lifted I was extremely disappointed even though I had a business which was being affected by the lockdown. I had my health and my baby’s life to think of first. And now churches and mosques are being opened if even at 25% and 100 persons maximum. This is not a good decision in my opinion. Even with all the guidelines issued by the Minister of Religious Affairs, Hon. Kofi Dzamesi you and I both know that it’s not going to be an effective strategy which will also not be enforced by 70% of churches.
Are we talking about the same churches which can’t keep their noise levels down? The same churches which have praise and worship services for an hour and half? How are they going to squeeze that into the one hour service duration being directed by the President?
Some churches like the International Central Gospel Church (ICGC) where I fellowship has displayed true leadership with the issuance of a formal communication from the Presbytery on the directive.
ICGC formal communication from the Presbytery.
ICGC formal communication from the Presbytery
I sincerely applaud the church’s decision on this. This is a time to consider the lives of the congregation. Are other churches doing same? Several checks on the social media pages of other ‘mega’ churches are yet to post anything related to the directive or guidelines issued.
How do you feel about the President’s directive to ease restrictions on religious organisations and schools? Will students comply with the hygiene protocols ? Will schools ensure 100% compliance? I sincerely hope so. The Minister of Education, Matthew Prempeh earlier today held a Press briefing regarding their re-opening plan for schools.
I look around at shops and office buildings and it seems there’s already COVID-19 fatigue settling in. The Veronica buckets are already being neglected and not being emptied. The washing liquids have been so diluted that you can’t tell if it’s effectively washing your hands. Some soap bottles are empty and other stands don’t have tissues. When I have to shop for food and other home essentials, it’s mildly triggering to see shoppers refusing to use the social distancing measures being enforced by the shops. One such supermarket is Melcom where shoppers are oblivious to these social distancing measures and the shop assistants simply look on instead of correcting the shoppers. I shudder to think of the challenges church ushers will face to maintain social distancing. On a normal Sunday service they struggle with members who refuse to sit where they are guided to, let alone maintaining social distancing. Buei!
Dear Christians, if you are reading this please continue to stay and worship from home if you can. Let’s observe how our churches will be complying with the guidelines before excitedly jumping into our ‘white white’ dresses for this Sunday’s service. And those of you who adamantly want to go this Sunday 7th June, please take your nose masks, hand sanitisers and leave your white handkerchief at home. Have some self-control during praise and worship time.
We will get through this together. Stay safe.