What To Expect After a Caesarean Birth As a New Mom.
If a Caesarean surgery is your elected method for having your first baby delivered then you need to know what to expect post-surgery with respect to recovery, what to do and things to avoid.
A Caesarean birth surgery involves a surgical cut being made on the mother’s abdomen and uterus. Recovery after a CS birth takes a much longer period than a vaginal birth and a longer stay at the hospital. Expect to be kept under observation in the hospital for minimum of 3days. Once the surgery is successfully completed, every new Mom needs to take it easy to recover within 6 weeks.
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As a new Mom expect:
Pain and Discomfort especially in the first 3 weeks. Basic human interactions such as walking, coughing and even laughing will be accompanied by much wincing and grimacing.due to pain in the abdominal area where the incision was made. Pain medication is prescribed by your Gynaecologist whilst sufficient bed rest also provides good comfort.
Restricted movements. Avoid lifting heavy objects and overdoing house chores such as pounding of fufu, sweeping etc. Let your spouse help out or find a reliable help during this phase of your life. Ask for help as much as you can.
Breastfeeding is much harder and more uncomfortable after a CS birth. Using a breastfeeding pillow becomes useful at this point and seek guidance from family and friends who have gone through this journey on what worked for them. Sitting upright with pillows behind your back with baby cradled above your abdomen also helps with the discomfort.
If you didn’t plan to have a CS birth, it can be emotionally draining for you as you might feel like a ‘failure’ . It’s good to get professional guidance or support to talk you through this. Avoid bottling up your emotions and connect to a familiar Mom network. If you did plan to have the surgery it can be quite emotionally challenging as well, due to the longer recovery stage. You may not be able to do your regular activities or responsibilities but instead of being frustrated you should see this as a phase of rest for your mind and body to recover for a much longer journey ahead.
5.You may also face social stereotyping from society especially when they hear you have delivered through a CS. Even other Mom’s can say the meanest things to you if you tell them your birth experience., “ too posh to push” or “ you are not strong enough” . As if the recovery process after the surgery whilst taking care of a tiny human is a peaceful walk in the park .
You can still have a positive postpartum experience despite these challenges after a CS birth with the right care and support. Always ask for help, don’t try to do it all as there’s no reward for pain.